Automated Quick Alert system that is integrated with Telegram or CloudVeil Messenger Channels. Send your messages out as easy as sending a text message or voice clip. Control access to who can send messages.
Our integration with Channels will deliver your messages to users via SMS, telephone, and email. Pricing is based on the number of contacts you have in the system and includes unlimited traffic.
Required Package Calculator
You’ll be surprised how much you can save.
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How does it work?
TYPE or RECORD a voice message within a Telegram/Cloudveil Messenger Channel and our Custom Bot will automatically deliver it via Land-line, SMS, or Email. Or if desired, read or view it within the channel itself. That is seriously all there is to it!
• User-Friendly. If you’ve ever sent a text or voice message, you know what it takes.
• Versatile. Receive quick-alerts by the method of your choice – Land-line, SMS, Email,
Telegram/Cloudveil Messenger.
• Reliable. Receive quick-alerts via cellular signal, data, landline, or all three! (whatever best fits
your own personal requirements) Rest assured you’ll actually get the quick-alert when you need
• Discreet. No more invasive, automated phone calls for those who prefer to discreetly check
their messages at their own convenience.
• Available history. Never worry if you failed to understand the whole message. Also, no need
to take notes. Or even remember! Simply re-open whatever messaging platform you receive
your quick-alerts on and scroll through the complete list of all quick-alerts you have ever
How to Proceed:
• Contact us via or find me on Telegram/Cloudveil Messenger @justin_wiebe for a free Trial Channel
• Fill out the list that we send you, with all the applicable contact information. (eg: Landline, Cell #, or Email address) If you fill all the available options for one contact, that contact will be notified via all the available methods.
• We will set up the channel so that all members have the option of viewing the quick alert from within the Telegram/Cloudveil Messenger app
• Make sure you specify who you want to have administrator rights. The administrator can do any or all of the following: Change Channel Info, Post Messages, Edit Messages of Others, Delete Messages of Others, Add Users, Add New Admins
• We will be happy to help you decide which permissions to give to which administrators